The FAPA Bureau officially announces the opening of nominations for the upcoming FAPA online elections, which will be held a month ahead of the FAPA Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
In its meeting on 7th August 2022, the FAPA Bureau approved the election and nomination guidelines for bureau members and section chairpersons, including the decision to have both the nomination and election process online in the face of constantly changing travel restrictions due to emerging and re-emerging diseases.
Nominations will be accepted fromĀ August 15 to September 15, 2022, and the elections will be held online for 2 days from October 8 to 9, 2022. The formal introduction and oath-taking of winning candidates will be held during the physical meetings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during the FAPA congress from November 8-12, 2022.
The full election guidelines may be accessed here: ONLINE ELECTION GUIDE