March 19, 2016

Welcome Emirate Pharmacy Society to join in FAPA family

2016.03.19 Video shot during the Bureau meeting in repose to Emirate Pharmacy Society’s interest in joining FAPA membership: Welcome Emirate Pharmacy Society to join in FAPA
March 19, 2016

3rd Meeting of the 14th FAPA Bureau

2016.03.19 3rd Meeting of the 14th FAPA Bureau Windsor Suite Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
March 18, 2016

PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress host hosted Welcome Dinner to FAPA

2016.03.18 Video shot when Dr. Teera greeted our guests: Video shot when President Joseph Wang thanked to our Thai host: PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress
March 14, 2016

FAPA new full-time Secretary intensive training in Taiwan and preparation for the upcoming March meetings in Bangkok, Thailand

2016.03.14~16 FAPA new full-time Secretary intensive training in Taiwan and preparation for the upcoming March meetings in Bangkok, Thailand Taipei, Taiwan