April 8, 2016

Taipei Pharmacist’s Association 70th Anniversary Celebration and invitation to FAPA (Vice President Mr. Ng, and FAPA Member Association – IPA, Indonesia, President Nurul)

2016.04.08 Taipei Pharmacist’s Association 70th Anniversary Celebration and invitation to FAPA (President Joseph Wang, Vice President Mr. Ng, and FAPA Member Association – IPA, Indonesia, President
March 19, 2016

PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress host hosted Farewell Dinner to FAPA

2016.03.19 PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress host hosted Farewell Dinner to FAPA Windsor Suite Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
March 19, 2016

14th FAPA Bureau onsite visited BITEC the 2016 FAPA Congress venue

2016.03.19 14th FAPA Bureau onsite visited BITEC the 2016 FAPA Congress venue Windsor Suite Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
March 19, 2016

2nd 2016 FAPA Congress host Meeting with 14th FAPA Bureau

2016.03.19 Video shot when Dr. Teera (Chairperson of the 2016 FAPA Congress Organizing Commitee) introducing his Organizing Committee members presented at the 2nd host meeting, with