February 15, 2015

14th FAPA Bureau and Section Chairpersons invited as speakers in the Philippine Pharmacy Summit 3

2015.02.15 14th FAPA Bureau and Section Chairpersons invited as speakers in the Philippine Pharmacy Summit 3 National Institute of Physics, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila
February 14, 2015

1st Meeting of FAPA Section Chairpersons with the 14th FAPA Bureau

2015.02.14 1st Meeting of FAPA Section Chairpersons with the 14th FAPA Bureau the Bayleaf Hotel, Manila, Philippines  
February 13, 2015

1st Meeting of 14th FAPA Bureau

2015.02.13 1st Meeting of 14th FAPA Bureau the Bayleaf Hotel, Manila, Philippines
October 11, 2014

14th FAPA Bureau and Secretariat Acquaintance Meeting and Orientation Session

2014.10.11 14th FAPA Bureau and Secretariat Acquaintance Meeting and Orientation Session 2014 FAPA Congress, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia