June 24, 2016

2016.06.24~25 1st FAPA Community Pharmacy Workshop, by FAPA & Community Pharmacy Section of FAPA, supported by Japan Pharmaceutical Association, the Fukuoka City Pharmacists Association (FPA) and Daiichi University of Pharmacy. Fukuoka, Japan

2016.06.24~25 For more workshop picture, please refer to: https://www.facebook.com/FAPAInternational/photos/?tab=album&album_id=902518836543537 1st FAPA Community Pharmacy Workshop, by FAPA & Community Pharmacy Section of FAPA, supported by Japan Pharmaceutical
May 7, 2016

Meeting for Pre-congress Workshop on NCD with President Joseph Wang, FAPA Secretariat, colleagues from the Philippines, and Dr. Klara from WHO-WPRO

2016.05.07 Meeting for Pre-congress Workshop on NCD with President Joseph Wang, FAPA Secretariat, colleagues from the Philippines, and Dr. Klara from WHO-WPRO Seasons Café, Waterfront Manila
April 18, 2016

1st Full-time FAPA Secretary, Tricia So, was resigned

2016.04.18 1st Full-time FAPA Secretary, Tricia So, was resigned Manila, Philippines
March 19, 2016

PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress host hosted Farewell Dinner to FAPA

2016.03.19 PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress host hosted Farewell Dinner to FAPA Windsor Suite Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand