March 25, 2021

[Afghanistan News] COVID-19 Seminar and Guidelines

Afghanistan Nationwide Pharmacists Association (ANPA) COVID-19 Seminar and Guidelines
May 12, 2020

Pharmacy Education During and Beyond COVID-19: Changes, Challenges and Experiences in Asia Pacific

The FAPA Pharmacy Education Section in collaboration with the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society hosted a free webinar on May 15, 2020 3:00-4:30 PM GMT +8:00 where the changes, challenges and experiences in teaching
April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Infection Control and Prevention Strategies for Health-System Pharmacists and Pharmacy Departments

COVID-19 Infection Control and Prevention Strategies for Health-System Pharmacists and Pharmacy Departments (1st Edition) A guidance document published by the FAPA Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy Section
March 16, 2020

FAPA Guide for Community Pharmacies on COVID-19

PREPARING COMMUNITY PHARMACIES FOR THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC A guidance document published by the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations on March 16, 2020 Download the complete document