March 19, 2016

3rd Meeting of the 14th FAPA Bureau

2016.03.19 3rd Meeting of the 14th FAPA Bureau Windsor Suite Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
March 18, 2016

PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress host hosted Welcome Dinner to FAPA

2016.03.18 Video shot when Dr. Teera greeted our guests: Video shot when President Joseph Wang thanked to our Thai host: PAT (Thailand) our 2016 FAPA Congress
January 20, 2016

President Wang visited to Japan for discussion about FAPA Community Pharmacy Workshop programe in June

2016.01.20 President Wang visited to Japan for discussion about FAPA Community Pharmacy Workshop programe in June Japan
December 8, 2015

President Joseph Wang visited to Nepal to deliver goods and donation, to see affected areas and attended Earthquake Relief Distribution Program by Nepal Pharmacy Council

2015.11.30~12.13 President Joseph Wang visited to Nepal to deliver goods and donation, to see affected areas and attended Earthquake Relief Distribution Program by Nepal Pharmacy Council