Original submission article: Email Submitted by: 대한약사회 총무팀 대리 김현승, Assistant Manager / General Affairs Team The Korean Pharmaceutical Association(KPA) is a non-profit organization established as Korea
Original write-up: secretary-general-prof-yolanda-robles_-fapa-2016 Submitted by: Secretary General Prof. Yolanda Robles Dr. Yolanda R. Robles obtained B.S. Pharmacy degree from the University of the Philippines and
For immediate press release: FAPAOfficialLetter_2016FAPACongressPressConference20160921_PressRelease_FAPA20160921 Video Clip: https://youtu.be/ogjefE3-buY, https://youtu.be/RlySWMUUItA FAPA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE AT THE BANGKOK PRESS CONFERENCE Windsor Suite Hotel Good morning to all who are present here
Original submission article: ipa-writeup-for-fapa-17-09-2016 Submitted by: Kaushik Desai, Hon. Gen. Secretary Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) is the premier professional association of pharmacy professionals in India, with a