October 21, 2018

FAPA Welcomes Its New Members

One of the primary targets set by the 14th FAPA Bureau is to become the biggest pharmacy federation by doubling the number of its members since
October 19, 2018

FAPA CP to present 25 FACP candidates in the 2018 FAPA Congress held in Manila, Philippines

Pornpen Pramyothin September 25, 2018 FAPA College of Pharmacy (FAPA-CP) is a subdivision of FAPA established on May 17, 1997 and was inaugurated one year later
March 15, 2017

Pakistan Government to Review Ammendments to the Drug Law After Tragic Protest

Pakistan, a country holding strategic importance on the globe, is place full of culture and diversity. The region has been engulfed by negativity owing to the
February 25, 2017

FAPA and MPS to Host a Stakeholders’ Forum on SDP

FAPA and MPS to Host a Stakeholders’ Forum on SDP this May 2017 FAPA President Mr. Joseph Wang visited Kuala Lumpur to meet with officials from