July 25, 2016

1_Dr. Teera (2016 FAPA Congress host) Congress promotion trip to Taiwan, in Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan’s annual Congress

2015.11.14nnDr. Teera (2016 FAPA Congress host) Congress promotion trip to Taiwan, in Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan’s annual CongressnnTainan, Taiwan
July 25, 2016


2016FAPACongress_logon2nd Announcement
July 25, 2016

PPhA hosted a dinner on September 11, 2015 for the FAPA Bureau and Presidents of member associations and the Secretariat

2015.09.11 nPPhA hosted a dinner on September 11, 2015 for the FAPA Bureau and Presidents of member associations and the Secretariat nGloria Maris, Alabang Town Center,
July 25, 2016

1_FAPA Leader's Meeting for the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance: A Commitment to Action

FAPA Leader’s Meeting for the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance: A Commitment to Action
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