July 24, 2016

6_President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Dr. Yolanda Robles onsite visited PAT in Thailand for 2016 FAPA Congress

2015.05.01~03nFAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and
July 24, 2016

1_President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Dr. Yolanda Robles onsite visited PAT in Thailand for 2016 FAPA Congress

2015.05.01~03nFAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and
July 24, 2016

The April Nepal Earthquake 2015

2015.04.25 nThe April Nepal Earthquake 2015nPhoto credit to source: http://images.en.yibada.com/data/images/full/31647/pray-for-nepal.jpg
July 24, 2016

President Joseph Wang, FAPA Secretariat meet with WHO-WPRO Team Leader Dr. Klara Tisocki and team

2015.02.16(?) nPresident Joseph Wang, FAPA Secretariat meet with WHO-WPRO Team Leader Dr. Klara Tisocki and team nCafé Shop
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