May 7, 2016

Meeting for Pre-congress Workshop on NCD with President Joseph Wang, FAPA Secretariat, colleagues from the Philippines, and Dr. Klara from WHO-WPRO

2016.05.07 Meeting for Pre-congress Workshop on NCD with President Joseph Wang, FAPA Secretariat, colleagues from the Philippines, and Dr. Klara from WHO-WPRO Seasons Café, Waterfront Manila
November 20, 2015

President Joseph Wang visited Indonesia To meeting with SEARPharm to discuss possible collaboration with FAPA

2015.11.19~21 President Joseph Wang visited Indonesia To meeting with SEARPharm to discuss possible collaboration with FAPA Jakarta, Indonesia  
November 16, 2015

FAPA 2015 Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Campaign echoing WHO 2015 Antibiotic Awareness Week

2015.11.16~22 Download press release article: Here FAPA 2015 Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Campaign echoing WHO 2015 Antibiotic Awareness Week – 4-frame Comic Competition – Twibon® Campaign –
November 16, 2015

WHO 2015 World Antibiotic Awareness Week

2015.11.16~22 WHO 2015 World Antibiotic Awareness Week WHO Please refer to Campaign page of WHO for detail: