Original submission article: ipa-writeup-for-fapa-17-09-2016
Submitted by: Kaushik Desai, Hon. Gen. Secretary
Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) is the premier professional association of pharmacy professionals in India, with a member base of over 11,000, spread across the length & breadth of the nation. IPA operates in India through 20 state branches & more than 46 local branches. The members represent various facets of pharmaceutical profession viz. Industry, regulatory, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy & education. IPA is also actively associated in managing several academic programmes. IPA is actively involved in advising the government on matters of professional importance, as a member of the Drug Technical Advisory Board, India, (Apex Govt. body responsible for framing regulations). IPA is affiliated with international pharma associations like FIP, FAPA, CPA, AAiPS, IPSF & WHO, for carrying out various collaborative professional activities, which include organizing training programmes for professionals from industry, academia, regulatory & practice, making representations to the authorities on matters of professional interest & working towards constantly upgrading the standards of professional services offered by the pharmacists.
President – Dr. Rao V.S.V. Vadlamudi Indian Pharmaceutical Association – FAPA Member Associations Write-Up Series
[FAPA Member Associations Write-Up Series]:
Since FAPA’s expending its exposure and influence in Asia, we also would like to urge our Member Associations to be aware by the region colleagues, especially in pharmacy. In these serveries, we’ve kindly request the current 18 ordinary members of FAPA to provide 100~200 write-up and also a short film (<3minutes) to introduce us again the organization, its efforts in developing pharmacy profession, and also its expectation to FAPA, to work with FAPA to this global healthcare system.