Original submission article: mps-brief-profile-2016
nSubmitted by: KKLamnn
nnThe Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) is the National Association for pharmacists in MalaysiannThe Society also represents the interests of its members and also the general public by having representation at the Pharmacy Board and other Statutory Institutions, and continuously engage the government in the pursuit of the New Pharmacy Bill that proposes greater autonomy in the pharmacy practicennThe Society organized its activities, eg CPD throughout the year by the MPS itself and by the various Area Committees and Chapters across the Country. Pharmacists have maintained a high profile both in the press media and the social media, thanks to the active Y Generation Pharmacists and committed members.nnAmong the many other issues pursue by the Society are :nnGood Governance for Medicine (GGM) for Integrity in Pharmacy Practice, World Pharmacist Day celebration with an International Convention and also a Run, Antimicrobial Resistance Focus Group with representation in National Technical Working Committee and in the Steering Committee for a National Action Plan, Public Health issues like the Action Against Dengue.nnAt the moment there is a mismatch of fresh pharmacy graduates without pre-registration training and the Society is actively pursuing solutions to thisnnThe Society will celebrate its 50th Anniversary next year and plans are underway for this celebrationnnMr. Amrahi Buang, President of Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS), from May 2016 – May 2018