2015.05.01~03nnFAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and immediate past President of PAT Mr Chakajnarodom to discuss FAPA 2016 in BKK, ThailandnnBangkok, Thailandnn
Joseph Wang 新增了 7 張相片。
2015年5月2日 ·
2015/05/02(六)meeting with PAT 與泰國藥師會的會議
今天早上9:30,我和FAPA 的秘書長一起到泰國藥師會,和泰國藥師會開會,討論2016 FAPA Congress 在曼谷舉行的事宜。
為了讓FAPA Congress 呈現更好的專業,更好的活動,更多地參加藥師,這屆FAPA 一開始,秘書處就開始準備歷屆會議資料分析,提出改革方案,並很順利在今年二月的FAPA Bureau 通過,並也隨後在Bureau-Section Chairpeoson meeting 報告及討論。
改變過去FAPA section chair 只有在Congress 時,擔任section chair,會議內容審核,完全不用參與,全由Host 國家一手包辦主導,這屆,為了讓section meeting 更專業,將來所有的投稿,section chair 必須參與審核及安排。突破了 50 年來FAPA 的傳統。
今天上午的會議,很順利地在中午前,討論完畢,並當場寫了結論。2016 曼谷的FAPA congress 將會呈現新的面貌,請大家拭目以待!時間是,9-13 Nov. 2016,預定以3000 人參加為目標,若目標達成將超越歷屆FAPA Congress 人數,為FAPA 寫下新紀錄。
(2010 台北FAPA 1800 人,2012 巴釐島 FAPA 2000 人,2014 沙巴FAPA 1200 人,2014 FIP 曼谷 2500 人)
FAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and immediate past President of PAT Mr Chakajnarodom to discuss FAPA 2016 in BKK, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
FAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and immediate past President of PAT Mr Chakajnarodom to discuss FAPA 2016 in BKK, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
FAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and immediate past President of PAT Mr Chakajnarodom to discuss FAPA 2016 in BKK, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
FAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and immediate past President of PAT Mr Chakajnarodom to discuss FAPA 2016 in BKK, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
FAPA President Joseph Wang and Secretary General Robles visit Pharmaceutical Society of Thailand as headed by President Sindchai, FAPA Vice President in Thailand, Dr. Pornpen and immediate past President of PAT Mr Chakajnarodom to discuss FAPA 2016 in BKK, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand