For immediate press release: FAPAOfficialLetter_2016FAPACongressPressConference20160921_PressRelease_FAPA20160921nnVideo Clip:,
Press Conference, 09/21 – for 2016 FAPA Congress (from right to left: President Sindhchai of APT, President Joseph Wang, and Dr. Teera of Organizing Committee)
Windsor Suite Hotel
n nnGood morning to all who are present here today. It is my pleasure to introduce to you the organization I represent, the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA). It is an organization established in 1964 with the vision to be the leading international pharmacy organization guiding Asian pharmacists and pharmacy organizations to achieve professional excellence and to contribute towards making medicines safe, effective, accessible and affordable, thus ensuring optimum health outcomes.nnWith a current membership of 18 member associations, FAPA aims to establish partnerships with the World Health Organization (WHO), International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), and other allied healthcare organizations in cooperation with governments and other agencies. It will also promote advancement in pharmaceutical education, pharmaceutical sciences and good pharmacy practice. Together with member associations, FAPA will work towards harmonization of pharmacy legislation among member countries to meet the challenges of pharmacy practice. Through our professional and scientific meetings, we hope to encourage professional growth and networking among pharmacists in Asia.nnFor the period, 2015-2018, FAPA in my leadership will focus on priority targets and these are: (1) TO MAKE FAPA BIGGER, that is to increase membership so that more countries will be influenced to pursue advancement in pharmacy education, science and practice, (2) TO MAKE ASIAN PHARMACY PRACTICE BETTER, by adopting Good Pharmacy Practices and ensuring that pharmacists contribute to the attainment of better health outcomes for patients and populations, and (3) TO MAKE FAPA STRONGER by having a close working relationship with lead global health organizations like the World Health Organization. We will support their programs that would address non-communicable diseases (NCDs), rational antimicrobial use, their fight against antimicrobial resistance as well as Spurious, Substandard, Falsely-labeled, Falsified and Counterfeit Medicines (SSFFC), among others. Pharmacists have a lot to offer by providing safe, efficacious and quality medicines; promoting health and well-being of populations; promote medication adherence and proper use of medicines; and provide medication and health advice whenever patients need them.nnThe 2016 FAPA Congress will be held here in Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center (BITEC) on November (8)9-13, 2016. This will be a gathering of pharmacists, pharmacy educators and pharmacists from various Asian countries. A relevant Congress program has been prepared to discuss priority issues as well as advancements in the pharmacy profession. It is a time for meeting old friends and colleagues while developing new ones. The Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand (PAT) under Royal Patronage is the host association for this annual congress. We thank the officers and members of PAT since they accepted the challenge of hosting and opening their arms to welcome colleagues from Asian countries.nnPlease support 2016 FAPA Congress and we are hoping for a successful congress in Thailand, the Land of Smiles. Thank you and good day!nn
President Joseph Wang invited to 2016 FAPA Congress Press Conference hosted by Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand under Royal Patronage