Original submission article: ipa-story Submitted by: Dra Aluwi Nirwana Sani Apt. MPharm, Deputy Secretary General Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IPA) was established by the decree of the
Original submission article: pat-write-up_update Submitted by: Sindhchai Keokitichai, President After twelve years of establishment of the first school of pharmacy (thus named the School of Dispensary)
Original submission article: Email Submitted by: Brad Watts, Executive Director, Communications About PSA The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is the peak national health body
Original submission article: 20160920_jpa-write-up_fapa-brochure_update Submitted by: Secretariat of Japan Pharmaceutical Association (JPA) The Japan Pharmaceutical Association (JPA) was established in 1893 and has a voluntary membership