Pharmacist Association of Cambodia – FAPA Member Associations Write-Up Series
September 17, 2016
National President Joe Demarte MPS., Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
September 19, 2016

Original submission article: 20160920_jpa-write-up_fapa-brochure_update

Submitted by: Secretariat of Japan Pharmaceutical Association (JPA)

Japan Pharmaceutical Association

Japan Pharmaceutical Association


The Japan Pharmaceutical Association (JPA) was established in 1893 and has a voluntary membership system.  The number of the members totals approximately 100,000.  JPA members are at the same time members of any of 47 prefectural pharmaceutical associations and consist of pharmacists engaged in every field of profession: community pharmacy(77.9 %), hospital/clinic(8.4 %), drug retailer(1.1 %), wholesalers(2.4 %), administration(1.6%), manufacturer/marketer(0.8 %), education and research(0.8 %) and others(7.0 %).

The JPA’s principal activities include; (1)advancing pharmacy and pharmaceutical care; (2)contributing to providing healthcare through pharmaceutical care such as rational use of medicines; (3)providing instructions about public health; (4)increasing people’s awareness about pharmaceutical sanitation; (5)contributing to regional health and ensuring medical safety; (6)securing and supplying pharmaceuticals to cope with disasters; (7)cooperating with and supporting prefectural pharmaceutical associations; (8)specific insurance business, such as pension benefits for members; (9)welfare business for members; and (10)non-life insurance agency.

In response to peoples’ expectations, the JPA aims to ensure the developed system of the Bungyo (separation of dispensing and prescribing) [to implement GPP Guideline in Japan] and to bring about the healthcare system where pharmacy service is properly evaluated, as well as to ensure safety and security in use of medicines and to enhance competence of pharmacists.



[FAPA Member Associations Write-Up Series]:
Since FAPA’s expending its exposure and influence in Asia, we also would like to urge our Member Associations to be aware by the region colleagues, especially in pharmacy. In these serveries, we’ve kindly request the current 18 ordinary members of FAPA to provide 100~200 write-up and also a short film (<3minutes) to introduce us again the organization, its efforts in developing pharmacy profession, and also its expectation to FAPA, to work with FAPA to this global healthcare system.


Michael Wei-Chih LIU
Author: Michael Wei-Chih LIU

Michael Wei-Chih LIU Assistant Secretary General FAPA (2015-2018)

Michael Wei-Chih LIU
Michael Wei-Chih LIU
Michael Wei-Chih LIU Assistant Secretary General FAPA (2015-2018)

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