Original submission article: fapa-writeup
Submitted by: President Chinta Abayawardana
Sri Lanka – Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka_1
The Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL) is the professional body that brings together all Sri Lankan pharmacists. PSSL was established simultaneously with the Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (CPA) in the year 1969 and became one of its founder members. The other affiliates of the PSSL include the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), South East Asian FIP-WHO Forum of Pharmaceutical Associations (SEARPharm Forum) and the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA). Being a member of the Organization of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka, the Society works hand-in hand with other local professional bodies to cater to the country’s growing need of professional opinion.
The PSSL is governed by a 27 member Council and its members are guided by a Code of Ethics. The membership of the PSSL includes registered pharmacists as well as students under a special category. The vision of the PSSL is “to be the premier organisation in supporting pharmacists to seek career upgrade and providing professional support to deliver for best pharmaceutical care” The establishment of the PSSL is for the general advancement of the profession of pharmacy including all its branches and the practices and for the purpose of effectively carrying out its objects according to its constitution and rules. The Society has close relationships with the government of Sri Lanka and contributes to its efforts to ensure a good health care system. PSSL is a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority.
Focussing on continuing education of pharmacists the PSSL holds regular seminars on new developments and current issues related to pharmacy practice. The quarterly newsletter of the PSSL, “Pharma Guide” provides not only the latest news of the PSSL but also information useful for the practising pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists.
Chinta Abayawardana
Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka
[FAPA Member Associations Write-Up Series]:
Since FAPA’s expending its exposure and influence in Asia, we also would like to urge our Member Associations to be aware by the region colleagues, especially in pharmacy. In these serveries, we’ve kindly request the current 18 ordinary members of FAPA to provide 100~200 write-up and also a short film (<3minutes) to introduce us again the organization, its efforts in developing pharmacy profession, and also its expectation to FAPA, to work with FAPA to this global healthcare system.